VacuSport helps athletes become fit and healthy faster with the innovative rehabilitation booster – the new method of boosting regeneration and rehabilitation from the realm of space medicine.

Fit and healthy faster with the innovative rehabilitation booster

High end in the boosting of regeneration and rehabilitation.

Here it is: the new method of boosting regeneration and rehabilitation from the realm of space medicine. Already a hit with world-class athletes and top football, rugby and ice hockey clubs who do everything they can to improve their performance. In daily use in leading international clinics for orthopedics and traumatology. For surprisingly fast results in the therapy and rehabilitation and mobilisation of patients: the Vacusport® Regeneration System.

Features & Benefits

Faster rehabilitation after surgeries and injuries (muscle-, ligament-, tendon- injuries) / in sports 20 – 50% quicker return to play
Pre-set treatment programs for different indications available
Improved sensory perception due to neuronal stimulation
Safe to use

Flow is the name of the game

In particular with regard to post-traumatic or post-operative swelling, the start of the healing process is delayed until the oedemas subside. Such tissue cannot be subjected to manual or mechanical compression treatments in the initial stage after a trauma. The arterial, venous and lymphatic vessel systems are affected for days; circulatory disorders and lymph drainage problems in the injured tissue can continue to exist for months or years.

But now that’s finally over. The VACUSPORT® Regeneration System reduces oedemas spontaneously and permanently. By supporting peripheral perfusion, IVT stimulates the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the wounds and leads to significantly faster wound healing and faster convalescence. Totally contact-free and pain-free for the patient.

VACUSPORT® is ideal for care after typical sport injuries and significantly reduces the rehabilitation time for the benefit of the patients and their sponsors. Also ideal for accelerating rehabilitation after joint internal injury surgery including endoprosthetics. The result: improvement in quality of life due to faster profound rehabilitation.

Due to the excellent effect of IVT on lymph flow, the VACUSPORT® Regeneration System is also recognised as a modern, cost-effective therapy for lymphoedemas.

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